About Us

Fear is a natural response in humans. It triggers the fight or flight response, which keeps us safe from what our brains consider a threat. This response varies from person to person and explains why some people enjoy being scared while others simply hate it. Cultural influences and life experiences play a part in what you may see as a threat. Some studies have shown the context in which we experience fear plays a major part in our reaction.

Two parts of the brain interact to engage our fight or flight response and activate the right systems in the body. These systems when activated make us more adept to respond to the perceived threat. One part of the brain interprets the threat and helps a person know whether a perceived threat is real. The other part is all emotion. These regions of the brain communicate and together execute a reaction to the threat.

The body in preparation for fight or flight, the brain makes adjustments to heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. Organs that are not vital in survival such as digestion slow down during this response. All of this takes place so that you can evade the threat. Knowing the context of the threat, like a haunted house, can allow you to relabel the experience and enjoy the thrill. The perception of control is vital to how we experience and respond to fear. We are all frightened by different things, but the chemistry of the brain is still the same.

Moving Past Programming

All of this programming from millions of years carries forward to our modern world. Where fear might have helped protect us from sabre-toothed tigers, it can get in the way of many modern day activities.

They say that more people would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy. Public speaking is just one of many common fears. Today the thing that protected us in the remote past, now just serves to hold us back.

Maybe you have been playing small with your art or your writing because you don’t think it is good enough.

Maybe you are afraid to step out on a stage because you don’t think anyone would listen to you.

Or maybe you are afraid to start that business because you don’t think you would be able to support your family.

Everyone has a different fear that may be holding them back. Fear is often referred to as an acronym – False Evidence Appearing Real. If you are ready to face your fear, we would love to hear from you.